Thursday, April 22, 2010

Sick Of Big Ben

So our asshat, drunken scumbag QB has got a 6 game suspension for his wrongdoings in Georgia. Oh and I don't care if he didn't get charged with anything, the dufus did something that he shouldn't have been doing, the least of it being providing alcohol to someone under the age of 21.


I really think that the guy has lots of problems. Problems that require him getting his drinking in check, so that he doesn't do something that will land him in jail. And while he's getting himself cleaned up and sober, maybe he should learn some respect for women.

Just because you have millions doesn't mean that you can just whoop it out to any drunk girl and tell her "Do whatever you want with it."

Because he might end up with a sadistic sort someday that might just take him up on that and leave the QB singing soprano.

Lordy, its nice to know that alcohol and money make some people think they have the right to do anything.

I hope the Pittsburgh Steelers trade that asshat down the river. I think I've said, I'd rather the team have a losing season then have them in the tabloids over something an idiot has done.


sage said...

I do think that the tide is turning and more is being demanded by those who are role models--that they have to have their life together in more places than just on the field. Good rant. (Luckily, I haven't heard all the details--only that he was charged--but reading your rant, I can imagine)

Rob said...

Someone needs to show him a picture of Mike Tyson and say, "See this guy? That's you if you can't get it together."

They could trade him if they're willing to take about 25% of what he was worth just a few weeks ago.

Jean-Luc Picard said...

We have similar things over here where overpaid soccer players think they can get away with anything.

Mike said...

Don't put him up for sale too soon. I don't want the Rams picking him up.

Wv: chiliker - A cold dog.

Janelle said...

I do think it's a bit bizarre that he gets this suspension & then people like Michael Vick, who actually was convicted, hardly have a problem.

The other thing that gets me is that there are a few, however rare, people that seem to think this punishment is bullshit & way too harsh. Yeah, okay.

The Mistress of the Dark said...

Janelle: You have no idea how pissed I was that the NFL let Vick back in. But apparently Goodell doesn't care about all those dogs that died thanks to Vick's dog fighting ring.

Wonder what the fans would do if the original punishment for Ben happened. They wanted him out for a whole season. Personally he needs to be..cos the boy needs rehab.