Sunday, March 28, 2010

Lazy Sundays

Like The Bangles tune Manic Monday "Sunday's my fun day." Its the only day of the week that I don't usually have to run around for something or another. I can take a PJ day or do whatever.

Sundays are my day of relaxation, and that's what I plan to do today.


My only plans today are for dinner. I'm going to take my father out, which is my usual Sunday ritual. Dad likes to go for dinner on Sunday afternoon. At most I may stop by Walmart (shudders) to pick up some food for the cats. (Wouldn't want to become dinner for a passel of hungry kittehs)

So I'm going to turn up the Gordon Lightfoot on my computer and I'm going to pick up that wonderful historical romance I was trying to read yesterday and I'm going to pretend like the world around me doesn't exist for a few hours.

Hope you all have a great Sunday!


Jean-Luc Picard said...

That's the way to spend Sunday!

yellojkt said...

Dinner with dad. That is so sweet.