Note that I said evil and not bad. I have no qualms with my insurance other than the "This is my first year of coverage so we must send out loads of documents to have doctors fill out because every reason you go to a doctors must be pre-existing."
Uh yeah, wrong.
I get a form to take to my doctors to fill out for the lab work on my colpolscopy. Note to my insurance company. I do not subject my body to diagnostic testing unless its necessary. That's a very republican viewpoint guys. Kinda like, because abortions are legal, every woman is going wake up in the morning and decide to get one. Shakes head. As many of you know, I personally don't believe in abortions as birth control, but I do believe its the woman's right to choose, but that's as far as I'll go there. And as for the colp, I don't think I'd ever wake up in the morning and decide that it was a procedure I just had to have done.
I wouldn't mind getting the paperwork done for the insurance company either if not for 2 things. They give me a rather unrealistic date to have it sent back. April 26 and it costs $10 to have it filled out.
In a month when my finances are tight as it is, and when I know that the procedure isn't covered by my insurance yet, because my deductible is $1200, I don't need another bill, even a small one.
This is the kinda stuff that pisses me off big time.
Right now I'm so angry I can spit. Glad that they will likely be paying 90% of the testing when this form is filled out but still freaking angry.
"Engineered Incompetence"
18 hours ago
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