Saturday, April 04, 2009

How Much Is My Money Worth

I'm disgusted.

The banking industry wants us to have faith in them. They want us to put our money in their safekeeping.

But why?

I have a small savings account with one of the banks PNC gobbled. Not a lot but right now its a good nest egg. For much of last month it was about $2000. Its my car fund and my if my job goes awry fund.

Mid month I put my tax return in that account raising it to close to $3000, until I pay off the furniture this month which will take it back to where it was.

I thought the extra grand would give me a little bit of interest.

Well I was right, I got a little bit of interest.

Want to guess how much that money made in the bank?

42 fucking cents!!!!!

That's insane!

If I owed the bank that much, they would charge me a helluva lot more than that, and yet I'm letting them use my money while I have it deposited in their institution.

I must need institutionalized!

But if I didn't have the money in the bank, I'd spent it in record time.

Oh the frustration!