Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Book That Went Plop

Let me tell you about this cheesy harlequin intrigue I was reading. Its not that its a great book or anything. This tale is about why I won't finish reading the thing.

As many of you know, I'm a bathroom reader and yes, I've had bathroom reading mishaps with paperbacks, because ever so often I sit the book in a precarious place and it falls into the bath, but usually that's after the water is mostly out of the tub.

I've never destroyed a book yet. And even now I didn't. That was my nephew's misadventure.

See we have one of those metal cabinets over the potty and I always leave a book there, because, like I said, I read in the bathroom. Its the only place where people won't bother you much.

So I left my cheesy novel sitting there and somehow, we know not how, but the nephew knocked the book into the toilet.


Into the toilet.

Before flushing.



Ain't touching that.

I was halfway through the damn thing and its an older book, so if I want to finish the damn thing I've got to go to Amazon or Half.com and spend more than I did originally on the book.

I think the nephew is about to get slugged.