Thirteen things I would rather be doing today instead of sitting at work.
1. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep.
2. Finish reading Morning's Gate, so I could continue reading the new Janet Evanovich novel. Yes, I do read two books at a time. I keep one in my purse for quiet times and I have one book in the bathroom, where the best reading is done.
3. Spending more than an hour at Curves.
4. Cleaning up my house. I went away for 2 days and I haven't been able to get things back to normal since.
5. Work on the mix project that my Livejournal friend
Cblaze posted this week.
6. Go through my Erie photos and find another 20 or so that I'd like to order since I have another deal from Snapfish. (Yay for free shipping)
7. Do some grocery shopping so I have some decent food to eat.
8. Rip some more CDs to my hard drive. I'm trying to go through the stuff I have and put some new music on the hard drive so I'm not always listening to The Moody Blues, Elvis Costello and Grey Eye Glances! These are the three artists that seem to dominate my listening these days.
9. Work on my budget. I have a few bills that are close to being paid off in the next few months and I want to see if I can manage to do it.
10. Stare at my computer screen. (That's always comforting)
11. Work on my writing, which I haven't been doing a lot of lately, because I lack inspiration and what usually inspires me just isn't anymore for one reason or another.
12. Go through my mix cds and decide which ones I'm going to keep and which ones can go to the circular file, either because they've been played to death or because I don't listen to them.
13. Visit all my blog friends. I swear I've been getting bad at this and I feel bad.
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