Well I got about 5 hours of sleep last night. That's a little better than the night before. Between all the stuff I've been trying to get done, sleep is just taking the backburner.
At least the kittens slept through the night. When I hear the babies mewing too much I get as bad as the mother cat and I know I have to force myself not to check on them. That's her job, and she's really doing a good job of it. She's got them hidden under the bed.
I need to get my to do list shaped up and I need to stick to it. I need to make sure that no matter what, my butt is at least laying down at 10 p.m. I need sleep. Between the telly downstairs and the baby cats upstairs and my roaming mind, well you can guess that I just end up staring at a computer screen more often then not.
The biggest thing on my to do list is to avoid all things about the election, for fear I may explode. I will tell you I've selected my lesser of two wingnuts that have no right to be running for office. I'm not proud or happy with my choice, but of the two, I think I've made the only decision I can.
Now to sleep through the next 6 months!
The Left-Cheek Ass Clown for January, 2025
9 hours ago
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