Thirteen Songs I Could Do Without Hearing Ever Again
James Blunt - You're Beautiful : I'm not a fan of many of the newish folk type singers. This song is just annoying as is Mr. Blunt's voice. Yet they gave this man a Grammy? Why? Was it for Most Annoying Song ever?
John Mayer - Daughters: This song just baffles me with it's lameness. I actually think it's interchangable with the James Blunt song in styles.
Tim McGraw - Live Like You Were Dying: I don't need depressing songs in my life. They play this song every damn day on WSHH in Pittsburgh, the only station I get decent reception off at the office that plays semi-tolerable music. Sadly this song is not part of the semi-tolerable spectrum. It's part of the "Make me slash my wrists" spectrum though.
Lee Ann Womack - I Hope You Dance: Another inspirational song I could do without. At least this one isn't as depressing as the Tim McGraw, but still I could do without hearing it a zillion times daily.
Carly Simon - You're So Vain: The clouds in her coffee get on my nerves. And why can't she fess up to who she wrote the song about? If they already have a swelled head, maybe learning this song is about them will make it explode.
Sheryl Crow - The First Cut Is The Deepest: Sheryl should be arrested for what she did to this song.
Rod Stewart - Your Song: Why is he covering Elton John? Where is this song from and can we please make the radio station from hell stop with it. I love the original. I even like Rod, except when he's really murdering some great classic songs, but this is awful.
Shania Twain - I Feel Like A Woman: Erm...Shania, you are a woman! Now stop singing about it. Come to think about it, stop singing period.
Faith Hill - This Kiss: I have a gripe with country/pop. Not that it's bad. This song is cute the first 300 times, after that it's just another tired pop song.
The Violent Femmes - Blister In The Sun: One word, ARGH! This song still brings me trauma whenever I hear it. It has to do with Metropol playing it every Saturday during their 80's night. Someone "Hang The DJ!"
Duran Duran - All She Wants Is: This song, by one of my favorite bands, caused me much trauma as a child. No, I lie, the video caused me much trauma. Either way, every time I hear this song I cringe.
Madonna - Hung Up: Seriously Maddy, this song is enough to make me puke. You should hang up your career if you keep up with this kind of music. It takes cheesy to a new low, and this is coming from a person that likes cheesy.
James Taylor - Fire and Rain: This song has just been played to death for me. Now, don't get me wrong, James Taylor is fantastic. He's a wonderful songwriter, but when a song gets played into the ground...well that's about it for me. However, I do love the Christmas CD he did for Hallmark a few years back.
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