I cleared my Zen Micro of all it's tracks this morning and right now I'm still reripping CDs to my hard drive at higher bitrates. When I first got my computer 128 kpbs was high quality. Now. Pah!
I can't believe I'm actually doing this. I've gone through almost my entire Moody Blues collection. Last weekend, I reripped my Erasure collection. I'm working on Justin Hayward and John Lodge now. (Hmmmmm I wish I were working on them) I'm also finally going to have my Live At San Juan Capistrano CD on my hard drive. Squee!
While doing this I have realized that no matter how they annoy me they still made some of the most beautiful music of the last 40 years. Justin's voice is simply breathtaking. Andy Bell and Michael Crawford are probably the only two other men that have voices that take my breath away.
Doing this has also made me more depressed about the lack of shows in the US this year. For all I hate the fans with a passion that I can't begin to express, (Exceptions being the few fans that read this blog) for all that I'm pissed at them for trying to suck more money out of me for their stupid fanclub, I really hate not having a concert to go to this summer.
I suppose that shows how much their music has come to mean to me in the last 3 years. I'm more saddened by not having a show of theirs to attend than Elvis Costello or Duran Duran who I've really loved far longer.
I guess I would have to though..to spend an afternoon ripping CDs over again.
Oh and btw...for anyone that doesn't own a copy Justin Hayward's San Juan Capistrano CD is simply gorgeous. It's so nice to hear him singing songs that you wouldn't hear at Moodies shows, like Land Of Make Believe, which will leave breathless. (and in my case in tears...because I miss my Justiny Poo) And now I'll be able to listen to it in fairly high quality form.

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