Ok, remember back in January when all I talked about was how much I wanted a Creative Zen Micro? Remember how much I wanted the damn thing?
I've only used it twice.
I paid 200 bucks for the darn thing and I'm scared to cart it around lest something evil befalls it.
Kinda pointless isn't it.
I was doing some cleaning tonight and I pulled it out of it's case in my drawer and started to use it.
The sound is so much better than the Muvo and I love my Muvo to pieces. I really wish I had the 1 GB Zen Nano. I think I'm going to reformat the Micro and change the tunes. Right now it's got 273 songs on it and most of it is the Moody Blues and Cliff Richard, not that that's a bad thing, but I'd like to have some other things on there. A girl can't live on Moodies alone.
Somehow I will ween myself into using this player. Really I will. But it's going to be a long hard process.
Cartoon Saturday
18 hours ago
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