13 Random Things
1. Mycheckfree.com is being discontinued on the first of July. I only pay 3 bills on that site, but lordy it's going to mess up my life when its gone, because one of the bills I pay there is paperless now. ARGH. I have to figure out if I can set it up on my bank's bill pay service. I'm so not happy about this.
2. The road crew that's working on the water lines is now in front of my house. This forces me to go to Curves after work, except when there's no parking by the darn place (like yesterday)and I had no money to plunk into the meters at the next lot. I wasn't risking a ticket to work out with a bunch of cranky middle aged women. No way!
3. The fat fairy keeps visiting me too and with her comes the candy fairy to make sure that she has a job to do. I'm not a very happy human right now. When I was at the psycho job in the fall, I ate more, went to Curves less and I weighed less. This makes no sense to me at all.
4. There hasn't been a decision made on the trip to Hershey yet on where we stay. I really like the idea of the Hilton Garden. Yes its 300 bucks for the one night, but that includes breakfasts for 2 out of 3 of us and 2 park admissions which are about 42 dollars per person. I think that alone makes that one a plus. I also love these hotels.
5. Def Leppard is touring with Journey and coming to Pittsburgh. Da Leps are the only hair band I have any love for. (I used to have love for Poison back in the day) They always put on a good show, but I'm not sitting through Journey, without Steve Perry, to see them. Plus this year tickets seem to be going on sale on Fridays. Funny...when I could buy tickets on a Friday morning, because I worked afternoons, tickets went on sale on Saturday mornings (when I worked). This year the reverse is true. Grrrr pfft!
6. Going to Atlantic City in Sept is going to feel so strange. Hell, it feels strange not having a Moody Blues concert to go to this summer. I feel oddly let down by all of this.
7. I'm trying to figure out why all my emails from my yahoo message groups go into my junk folder. Everyone else's come through to my email with no problem. I've tried everything and I can't get them to send mine straight through. I don't want to shut off the junk folder because it keeps me from getting about 20 or more spams a day.
8. It's just dawned on me that I haven't been to a movie since I saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory at the Maxi Saver Theater last fall. What's worse, there isn't a movie I want to see until July when Pirates of the Caribbean 2 comes out. And yes, I do have a Johnny Depp fixation.
9. Sometimes a picture really says a thousand words. What those thousand words are remains to be seen.
Until now!

I think Help Me! Is the consensus on what Justin is saying in this picture. Or perhaps, get me away from all these scary men in yellow...they are almost as bad as my fans!
10. I've noticed that all bands have a large group of fans that must attend every damn show and whatnot. The level of obnoxiousness of these fans is different though. Thank god for that. Peter Noone's fans are much more tolerable than the freaks that stalk the Moody Blues around the world.
11. Quiznos keeps sending me coupons. I love Quiznos but damn it, even with a coupon they are expensive when compared to Subway. If I want to spend 5 bucks on a sandwich, I'll go to Panera Bread!
12. My kitten is really enjoying kicking litter out of his catbox and then playing hockey with it. I feel guilty vacuuming it up, because the little guy is scared to death of the damn sweeper!
13. I need a day off very soon. I have had a few half days since Christmas, but Memorial Day will be my first real day off. Rejoice and be glad, a 3 day weekend is coming up in less than 4 weeks!
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