Tuesday, March 25, 2003

This or That

Yup, that's right, it's This or That Tuesday. So here we go with the survey of the day!

1. Poetry or prose?
That's an easy one. Prose...just look at the last post and you'll understand why.

2. Funky modern art or the older, "classic" variety?
I like both actually. There's beauty in all art.

3. Sculptures or paintings?
I like paintings and drawings and sketches myself.

4. Theatre: exuberant musical or serious drama?
Exuberant musical most definitely. Can't beat the fun of Cats and then there's Chicago, Evita, Phantom...dare I go on..

5. Ballet or modern dance?

6. Movies: major studio or indie?
That's another both..I love movies..and it's great that there's opportunities for people like Rick Elfman who is a fantastic quirky filmmaker in his own right..so good on ya Rick.

7. Authors: Shakespeare or Dr. Seuss?
Dr. Seuss without a doubt

8. TV: PBS or A&E?
ACK...both..British comedies on one and amusing Bios on the other

9. Music: Beethoven or Beatles?
The Beatles...no question about it in my book

10. Thought-provoking question of the week: You are a contributing member of your favorite art museum, and visit on a regular basis. They announce a new, temporary special exhibit by an artist surrounded by controversy...this person's work and/or political views offend you. Do you stop supporting the museum, or just stay away during the time the exhibit is there?

I'd probably stay away during the time of the exhibit...no..I'm masochistic..I'd still go and make myself angry...It would give me something to vent about anywayl....