Let's Play Steal a Survey
This survey was stolen by Brighid who stole it from Lindsey who probably stole it from someone else. It's such a chain reaction thing we've got going on here. Anyway, I'm editing the first 50 pages of Man Out of Time, so you won't see much posting of the story, until I'm ready to start with the next bits.
So for your amusement and giggling pleasure until then. Surveys! and other random shit from me!
01. My name is -- Andrea
02. I may seem -- shy
03. But I'm really -- outgoing and obnoxious when I try to be
04. People who know me think -- I'm intelligent
05. If you knew me you'd -- think I was weird
06. Sometimes I feel -- like no one cares
07. In the morning I -- check my email, get dressed and go to hell..I mean work
08. I like to sleep -- Alot
09. If I could be doing anything right now I would be -- with my 3 concubines. (Grabs Elvis Costello and chains him to the bed)
10. Money is -- like manure, it needs to be spread around encouraging young things to grow. (like me) btw that's from Hello Dolly
11. One thing I wish I had is -- A different Job
12. One thing I have that I wish I didn't is -- a job with Expanets
13. All you need is -- Love
14. All I need is -- A new and amusing job
15. If I had one wish it would be -- To have my concubines for a year a piece
16. Love is -- a joke that too many people fall for
17. My body is -- tiny and slighty curvy
18. If an angel flew into my window at night I would -- Offer it a cookie
19. If a demon crashed into my window I would -- ask it if it wanted a zima
20. If I could see one person right now it would be -- Mr. Costello (and if he'd be naked..oh would I be happy)
21. Something I want but I don't really need is -- Loads of CDs...real and bootlegs
22. Something I need but I don't really want is -- DSL (so that the brat can share the internet connection)
23. I live for -- today
24. I dare you all to -- stand on your head and whistle Rock the Casbah
25. I am afraid of -- Americans
26. It makes me angry when -- stupid people continue to breathe
28. I daydream about -- Mr. Costello, Mr. Proops and Mr. Elfman..the rest I'm not telling you.
29. I cry because -- life sucketh so
30. This quiz is -- really boring
Musical Sunday
28 minutes ago
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