A day of Randomness
~ My DSL line isn't going to be ready until Wednesday now! I want my DSL now. A few weeks ago, I didn't really care whether I stayed dial up forever or not, but now that everything is here and ready to get hooked up, I'm antsy. Soon I'll be able to use all the computers in my house at one time. I'm really anxious for the networking, because I want to be able to use the emachine and the HP at the same time.
~I want a new template for my blog, but I don't want to lose my pictures here. I hate it when I get bored. When I get bored, I change things. Someone stop me before I have a new template.I like this one but there is no chatter box or room for one it seems. Oh here's another one
~Martin Gore has recorded a version of "Lost in the Stars" that Kurt Weill song that Mr. Costello did a while back. I never ever thought I'd say this but I like Martin's version better. That's a floggable offense I'm sure. Martin has a very pretty voice though, and this song is really suited to his range and whatnot.
~I so need to clean in my house, but I'm so not in the mood. I hate that. I have no motivation for the things that need to be done.
~I'm sick of being depressed. I just want to be able to talk to someone who will at least try to understand what I have to live with. I envy people that have 'normal' siblings that they can share things with. My siblings are either too old to care or too fucked up to even bother with.
~Oh found another Costello mp3 I didn't know I had! I have the song Weird Nightmare track from the Mingus tribute. My god is this song dark and brooding and absolutely fucking fantastic. I can say no more...it's to wonderful for words. I may have to update my Lullaby CD again.
~The Rock N Roll Hall of Fame is on tonight! I can't wait to see EC in that dishy suit of his. Hopefully there won't be too many shots of people that I don't want to look at. I'm not really in the mood for significant or insignificant others at this point.
Musical Sunday
59 minutes ago
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