Randomness, My Favorite Thing
Mix cds Mix cds Mix cds.
Why can't I think of a theme? I just sent off a mix cd to Brighid this morning, which I'm sure will astonish and traumatise her. If you want to check it out it's posted at The Art of the Mix site. I've hunted through all the groups at Yahell and I still can't find a good group for making and trading mix cds. It's getting depressing, because I need motivation to make this things. It took me over a week to do Brighid's but hey! I made artwork too! Yay Me!
Pictures of my concubines.
It just dawned on me that I should change the pictures in the corner again. After all you might be sick of seeing the same 4 or so pictures. Though the picture of Simon and Danny stay, cos those are just too yummy to change. I might replace Greg with another concubine, cos I'm not feeling to favorable towards Mr. Proops these days. I'm thinking it's time for Mr. Bowie to have a shot at some screen time here. Anyways, Enjoy a few new pictures
Those Blasted Bootlegs.
I now have 2 packages of cdrs that I still haven't opened. I have cds that I haven't put in my trade page. We won't even mention how many, cos it's really close to 50 or more. Allow me to scream if you will. My Costello collection of shows should be topping at least a hundred or more now. Some day I'll get them all sorted and print artwork etc. When that happens all the ink in America will disappear. I should be printing art for nearly 400 shows! I should be glad I don't usually make artwork for mix cds, unless I'm coereced into doing it.
Enough for now...I must go and work on the story for a bit...
Musical Sunday
1 hour ago
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