Friday, October 29, 2010

Top 5 On Friday

Top 5 artists you'd like to dress up as for Halloween. (Feel free to tell us why)

You guys know the drill. Play along in the comments or in your journal. This meme is created for my site Music Memoirs. Feel free to go there and check out my other weekly memes and play along.

1. Madonna - Open Your Heart outfit: Yeah, I want to dress like Maddy doing the gold cone bra thing! That outfit was so awful and yet so amusing! It would make for a very cold Halloween though.

2. Cyndi Lauper - the early days: I want the really crazy clothes...

Like the crazy outfit in this video

3. Lady Gaga: Doesn't matter what outfit...she is a walking Halloween costume!!

4. Nancy Sinatra: A'la These Boots video. Totally awesome!!

5. Siouxsie Sioux - I've always loved her goth look. I wouldn't mind to go for her look in the Face To Face video either.


Jean-Luc Picard said...

All ideal Halloween choices! Madonna & Lady Gaga are natural!