Friday, October 15, 2010

Busy Busy Busy

This weekend is going to be all about getting things done. I have 2 reviews to write for my freelance job and I'd like to have them done and on my editor's desk by Monday or Tuesday.

The house needs a good cleaning and I need to get to the gym as well. I hate when I'm off my schedule at the Y. I can make 5 or 6 days of exercise there without a problem. Yes, I enjoy it that much!

I'd also like to get some stuff ready to go to Goodwill. Its been a few weeks since I've been there. I don't have any money to browse the store, but I can drop off some books there too.

I hope I can get part of this done. I'm lousy with to do lists of any sort. If anything gets done, I hope it is the reviews. I need the money now more than anything.

Bills to pay ya know.



Mike said...

My lists usually get lost in the mess.

Jean-Luc Picard said...

A weekend is not always restful!