~ Paul McCartney's soon to be wife number 3, Nancy Shevell. Seriously Paul? If you have a big glamorous wedding with this one, I will vow not to care about you either.
~ Anything the Republican Party has to say. If only they said things that were useful, maybe I'd want to listen. But since all they really do is lie and lie some more so that they get richer...I can't take them seriously. I'm not saying the Democrats don't do the same thing, but sometimes I think they at least care about the middle and lower classes.
~ American Idol: How many crap artists can one show create?
~ The parallels between Will & Kate and Charles and Di. Please stop! Let it rest.
~ Whether or not Obama's birth certificate is real. He's the president right now..I worked for his campaign, STFU!
Cartoon Saturday
16 hours ago
Very true political party statement.
I want to see Donald Trump's certificate of live hatching.
vw: nolow - how a lot of soon-to-be-deaf dumbasses like to play their stereos.
I'm happy for Paul. Anyone is better than the last one.
As for the Republicans...I don't even know. It's all about money. Nevermind the impact on people, as long as it creates jobs, who cares?
I could write a list of things I don't care about, but I don't care to.
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