Mom and I have decided that this is going to be a relaxing weekend. I'm not exactly sure how that is going to be accomplished, because relaxing is something that just isn't done in our household.
Frantic running around, we do well. Chillin' not so well.
If all goes well, we'll get La Fiesta fajitas for dinner on Mother's Day, but other than that...I'm going to try to make this weekend one that will let me just sit back, read and relax.
I have loads of books I want to get to, both in huge piles on my floor and on my Nook.
I also plan to stop by Happy Hour at Starbucks for a half price Coconut Mocha Frappachino! Mmmm tasty.
And if I'm feeling frisky I may start to organize my book blog...but I'm not holding out too much hope for getting that done
Cartoon Saturday
15 hours ago
I hope your weekend turns out to be as relaxing as it can. Wish your Mom a happy Mothers' Day from me!
'just sit back, read and relax'
Perfect plan.
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