Hungry Girl has a show on that other food channel. On Sunday's my mom watches it, so I usually catch a few minutes of it.
Now I've picked up a lot of tips from Lisa a.k.a. Hungry Girl, but I would really like to issue a challenge to her. Find some swaps that don't cost the viewers a fortune. I'm pretty sure there are plenty of Hungry Girls out there that would like to find some great meals that were healthy but less pricey.
Like on today's episode...She did a ground meat swap with Morning Star crumbles.
I love Morning Star products, but I can get about 2 lbs of ground meat at Giant Eagle or more at Save-A-Lot for what a 12 oz baggy of those crumples cost. If you have a family....this just isn't feasible or economic.
It is like the vita-top muffins she extols on her website and her daily emails. You should see how much these little things cost!!! And they are just what they are called, muffin tops!!!!
If you want flavors you have to buy them in bulk. In the Pittsburgh area, we can pretty much only get banana nut.
That's not to say she doesn't have good ideas....because she does...
But really I'd love to challenge all of these people to come up with healthy swaps that are family friendly and above all else AFFORDABLE!
Not all of us have a show on a food channel...M'kay?
Cartoon Saturday
15 hours ago
The thing with Morningstar is it's all fake meat, which can't be cheap to manufacture.
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