Every time I turn on the TV or pick up the paper or log into my homepages, I'm astounded by all the scary crap...and ridiculous crap going on in the world.
~ Trump isn't going to run for president. Apparently all the brouhahaha he was creating for the last few months was an attempt to make more people watch his crap reality show.
~ AHnold apparently knocked someone up awhile back...That just...I don't know...really...I just don't know...because I can't fathom anyone wanting to sleep with The Terminator.
~ The Irish were trying to blow up the Queen. Poor Elizabeth...Heck Charles doesn't even have to put toothpaste on his toothbrush. I'm not sure I'd want that much help in my life. But seriously what would this family do...if they had to be normal? Oh and really, it isn't nice to plot to kill an 80 something year old lady...even if you don't like her...
~ What about those watermelons in China? Apparently they were given a little bit too much of a growth hormone and now they are like land mines! That's one tasty explosion! Watch were you step though!
On a weather related note: I don't think it is ever going to stop raining. I'm considering building an ark. So what's your favorite silly/scary news tidbit so far this week?
Cartoon Saturday
16 hours ago
Yikes - you have the rain. We have unusually low amounts here. Very unusual for us here in England, the land of the umbrella.
Exploding watermelons, now that's cool.
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