I'm ready to start billing my parents primary care physician for my time. They both have appointments scheduled together so that I don't have to miss work as often for them.
Today's appointments were at 3:30 and 4:00. Neither of them went in until well after 4 and the doctor didn't see them until 5:20.
It was 5:50 before we were able to leave the office.
Am I the only one that sees a problem with this?
Now, I really don't have much of a problem with the doctor. She's a nice enough lady. But crikey, every time we go, she's running late.
I left work an hour early so I could get them to their appointments on time. I really think that doctors should give their patients the same consideration.
Oh and my father ran out of oxygen AGAIN as a result. Grrrr. And he had 2 canisters.
Cartoon Saturday
15 hours ago
This is a factor of the doctors trying to see as many patients as possible in the shortest amount of time. If you complain, the standard explanation (if one is actually offered) is that the doctor spends as much time as necessary with each patient, and some need more time than others, which results in the doctors running late. You might try scheduling appointments as early in the morning as possible, before the doctor gets a chance to get behind schedule...that's what I always try to do, and it generally works better. Good luck.
vw: caliate - Cali is no longer hungry.
Do doctors EVER run early?
When I needed to see an ENT last summer, I spent hours in that office. I was okay with this since I had a book and was so miserable with fluid in my ear that I was willing to wait it out as long as it ended in some sort of relief. And at that point a few more hours was nothing compared to the days and weeks I ultimately spent sick.
Hello Andrea,
It's so good to know that this is a scenario, not just experienced here in the UK.
I have had exactly the same problems with my disabled mother and elderly father.
'Care' is a euphamism for 'Don't really give a damn'!!
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