Bath & Body Works had a VIP bag with purchase going on the last few days. Anyone that knows me, knows I absolutely love all things Bath and Body Works.
The nice thing about their wonderful smelling products, is that they don't bother my Dad. He's always been super sensitive to fragrance and now that his lungs aren't good, I don't like to wear anything that could aggravate his COPD. Bath and Body stuff is really light and doesn't bother him, so WOOT!
I have one of just about every fragrance, except for the super floral stuff which I don't like.
I am so proud I didn't cave in and spend the $60.00 needed to get the bag. (Even though I really wanted it)
Right now I have body washes and lotions and sprays coming out the wazoo. So I really didn't need it.
Do I get a woo hoo for having some restraint? I think I deserve one..and maybe a chocolate chip cookie too!
Cartoon Saturday
16 hours ago
I only eat Chocolate chip cookies by the dozen.
Well done with the willpower
Woo, hoo! And may I recommend the oatmeal raisin cookies instead of the chocolate chips? They're better for you and may even help reduce cholesterol...
But I know, that stuff is so tempting!
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