December 11 – 11 Things What are 11 things your life doesn’t need in 2011? How will you go about eliminating them? How will getting rid of these 11 things change your life? (Author: Sam Davidson) take from Reverb 10
1. Debt: I realize that my car payment will not go away for 4.5 more years, unless the money fairy really does exist, but if I could pay down the small cards I carry by say, June, my life would be so much easier.
2. Illnesses/Hospitalization: Not necessarily mine, but no joke, that extra pap smear a year is pricey. What I really hope I won't have is one parent in the hospital at any point in 2011.
3. Snow: I have no control over this, but my life would be better if we don't have any huge snows like this past February. I lost a week's wages because our electricity was out. Boo hiss.
4. Sarah Palin: Sadly nothing legal I can do about her either. I can turn off the TV though or change the channel. Definitely something I'll be considering if this freakazoid makes a White House bid.
5. 20 lbs: I'm going to try to keep hitting the YMCA in hopes that some of the extra pounds will start to disappear from my butt.
6. Republicans: 2011 would be so much better without any of these idjits. To keep them out of my life I'll continue to vote straight democrat, until the Repugs start listening to their doctors and pull their heads out of their asses.
7. Bad writing: I'm going to work at becoming a better reviewer for both books and movies. Hopefully this will generate more income for me in the coming year.
8, TV: I'm going to try to cut back on my TV and stick only with the shows that I really enjoy or can exercise to. (comedies or doctor who)
9. Crap: I'm going to work at getting rid of all the excess stuff that's in my life. Getting rid of unnecessary stuff will make me better organized
10. Facebook: I need to get this out of my life. Cutting back on Facebook will give me more time to concentrate on my life.
11. Bad music: I'm going to try to avoid lousy music. Hopefully my freelance job won't toss anything too horrible. But I can only wish that artists like Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber will go away.
Musical Sunday
3 hours ago
Miley Cyrus? Go away? But she's my homey!
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