Is sit in a lawn chair with a good book and my Zen and read for the rest of the day. Is that too much to ask?
Damn it, it shouldn't be.
I thought I finally had my schedule arranged so that I could have Saturdays mostly open for whatever laziness I might come up with. Last night that was shot to hell in a hand basket, wrapped in a butane blanket and grandma tossed the match in.
While I watched my dreams of a "do nothing" but sit on my butt Saturday go up in flames, I did the laundry, knowing that I'm going to be doing it again on Saturday morning.
Which means if I have to go to exercise, it would be best if I do it early, so that I can have the rest of the morning and afternoon to myself for my blissful nothingness.
I don't ming getting up early. I do it regardless. During the week I'm awake at the ungodly hour of 5:30 and on the weekend 7:30. What I don't like to do on the weekend is move around first thing. I like to putter on the computer and be lazy. I was doing my best to get this. I thought Monday at 4:30 was a great time to do laundry. Such wasn't the case with grandma, and I've been vetoed out of my relaxing Saturdays after only a few short weeks.
Now I'm going to have to be at Jack's by 9 if I decide to go so the laundry can be done by noon. And its not as if I have a whole lot of laundry. We usually do a load and a half (if that) once a week. (Gram still has a ringer washer, which is nice on my work clothes) Dad washes jeans and things throughout the week.
Big sigh
I hate laundry day.
Musical Sunday
11 hours ago
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