It's on sale. It's only available at one store and I'm determined to have mine. If they don't have it, I swear I'm going to go postal on Best Buy!
I want my 30 GB Zen. My Pink Zen wants to become the Christmas Music Zen Of Doom. That's a long story, and one I'll address at some other point in time for those of you that haven't heard it.
I refuse to let my Zen slip through my fingers this time. I want the damn thing and I want it now. Instant gratification and all that BS. I also want my stupid Donnie Iris CD which I was going to buy last week, but passed up because the Greensburg Best Buy didn't have the Zen. (They could have had an extra $50.00 from me if they would have had the product last week)
Ah well, that's life.
Hopefully by tonight I'll be transferring all my music to the new player. Fingers crossed, because I really don't want to pitch a fit at Best Buy if they don't have the damn thing.
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