There's one person in town that I could call, but I don't bother, because what do I have to talk about with a woman that's been married for 10 years and has 2 kids. At some point that's what becomes her life. And that's not my life, so conversation would be stilted.
This all makes for a very lonely girl and a girl that depends way too much on her computer for companionship.
I found this icon on a friend's livejournal. Damn it hits way too close to home.

I never wanted to be a person like that. Then the computer came into my life...and suddenly it was my connection with the outside world, more so than the telephone. I think I can safely say, my best friend is someone I've never met and who I talk to online on a daily basis.
Another sad fact I've learned, you can't make someone like you or be friends with you. So I guess I'll just sit here in front of my computer and ponder how my life became so dependent on this stupid plastic box.
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