It's time for another episode of 13 things that are annoying the hell out of me right now.
1. People that ignore me for no good reason. Honest for some of the crap they pulled I could be a lot less nice than I have been.
2. If I send you an email...wouldn't it be nice if the recipient acknowledged it's receipt. This goes for the person in number 1 that I speak of...as well as a few other people.
3. People that read my blog on a daily basis and yet never leave a comment or use the shout box on the side bar of my page. (There's one person from the area that reads me daily...and it's making me crazy because I know not who they are but I know the general area that they come from. IP Addresses tell all)
4. Having dreams about being in your favorite place in the world, only it was raining in the dream. You would think dreams would let you have good weather, but NOOOOOOOO!
5. Because of odd issues, not being able to ask about the "vacation time." One day, that's all I want. One day. And I want it to be July 2 if possible, because I don't want to work on my 33 b-day.
6. Having no extra money at all. Yup, the bill monster is eating it all. It doesn't help matters I went on a small spending spree not to long ago that ate up the extra cash and created another bill or two. Damn!
7. Elton John's Philadelphia Freedom. Anyone that has driven anywhere near the Philly area should know that there is no freedom to be found there.
8. The Mart Of Wal for not carrying pita bread when I have about 80 different ideas for breakfast and lunch that requires it.
9. Have I mentioned that there are no good concerts coming to Pittsburgh this summer? And the ones that are coming are on days when it's not feasible for me to go to a show. You know like a Tuesday or a Thursday night. Blergh!
10. My leggies. Actually it's my thighs. Why do they have to be so damn huge? Blergh!
11. The wisdom tooth that's still driving me crazy. It's not tooth ache pain, it's teething pain. ARGH! At least the soreness etc isn't constant anymore, or I'd be calling up the dentist so I could have another debt monkey to deal with.
12. CD Universe for not getting me my Traveling Wilburys deluxe editions yesterday. I had my Paul McCartney CD the day after it was released, why not this one!!!

13. Cable tv for running restaurant ads after 9 o'clock. It's even more annoying when its an ad for Sonic which isn't anywhere near us. Uh, the closest Sonic is in southeren WV which is about a 3-4 hour drive. The other one that annoys me is IHOP. There are no IHOP's in Pittsburgh to my knowledge. The closest one is in Youngstown, OH. CRSE, are you coming to get me so I can eat all the pancakes I can until I explode soon?
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