I think silence is one of the hardest things for me. I like communication, but right now I'm going to be silent. At least for a day or two. For purely childish reasons, of course.
What are they?
Well I want to see if someone has it in them to just email a thank you without me saying a word.
The question will be, will I be able to do that? The realistic part of me says "hell no!" Something will come up or I'll find something that I just won't be able to hold back, and I'll have to send it to him.
You know like that fact that Paul McCartney's Memory Almost Full is likely to be the number 1 album in the US this week. (Yeah, like he doesn't already know this)
But I'm going to hold my tongue and my typing fingers. I'm not going to do it.
He's got a package coming to him. He's got to say something then, right? I mean he wouldn't just toss them in the ....MUST STOP THINKING.
Maybe it would just be easier to email ....No.
I've put myself in a position where I look like "crazy email/fan girl" again, when I'm having an episode of "I miss my finned email buddy."
I hate that. Best leave things unsaid. Best turn on my radio and listen to The Pickle and just listen and keep my thoughts to myself, however hard that is and hope he gets his package and enjoys the two CDs.
Musical Sunday
10 hours ago
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