1. No rain
2. The temperatures to be warm enough to be comfortable at Idlewild Park but not so chilly that we couldn't go to Soak Zone.
3. My

4. A certain friend to remember and actually say happy b-day. (And not on the air. A simple happy b-day in an email would do the trick...but crazy email girl is probably just dreaming about that)
5. All the food at Idlewild to be calorie free for 24 hours, so that I can eat as many potato patch fries as I can.
7. A good hair day.
8. An external hard drive for my computer so that I could just move all my music files to that and have the regular hard drive free of all clutter.
9. The Pickle to play Yummy Yummy Yummy, because I miss that horribly bad song. I think everyone who reads my page should email Fishy and tell him to play that song for me. I'll even provide you with his email.
10. For some of the clutter in my house to magically disappear without me having to spend hours sorting through it.
11. The money fairy to visit so I can do all the stuff I want to do this summer without guilt.
12. The car to survive the day without issue.
13. Me to survive the day without breaking down in tears or trying to commit a crime.
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