It's amazing what a $25 Amazon Gift Certificate can do for a girl's brain. My amazon wish list is enormous, which is why I can't seem to make up my mind what I want.
There's at least half a dozen Gordon Lightfoot CDs I need...erm...want. My Paul McCartney CD collection has so many gaps it's frightening. I still need 3 George Harrison CDs. As for Ringo, I only have most of his recent stuff. I'm the opposite when it comes to vinyl. Not to mention the countless other artists I love. My musical taste is across the board and it's borderline scary at times, just as anyone that I've ever sent a mix CD to. Heck ask Fish, he's had 2 from me. I think I've scared the daylights out of him.
The worst part of my dilemma is I'm a bargain shopper. I like to get more bang from my buck, so I check the prices at other online sources so I know which place has the best deal. has good deals at their store. That makes it hard for me to buy most of the Gordon Lightfoot stuff on my list. They are well over a dollar cheaper than Amazon. ARGH!
I wish I could make up my mind on which CDs are the most important to my collection right now. Oh and damn it. There are still several Tom Petty discs that I need to complete my collection.
~Head Exploding In Frustration~
If only the wish list were smaller, the decision might not be so damn difficult.
Musical Sunday
10 hours ago
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