I have to post these rules before I give you the facts.
Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
1. I am one of the few people out there that actually enjoys exercise. I love strength training I love taking long walks (especially if it's on the boardwalk) On the days when I don't get out to Jack's or to the lovely walking path in Monessen, PA, I feel very guilty.
2. I have an addiction to making LOL Cats. You know like those found on I Can Has Cheezeburger. I even have a community on Livejournal. It's called Silly_Catmacros
I'm especially proud of this one...

That's not my cat...but it does belong to someone I'm familiar with.

I made this one when I was feeling especially snarky.
3. I've been at my current job for nearly 4 years...but most of it wasn't full time. I'm finally eligible for my week of vacation. AND I WANT IT!
4. I buy nearly all my skin products from a website called Yves Rocher. It has the most wonderful products and it's reasonable. I've never been disappointed by anything I've ever bought from them. Plus they have the best free gifts.
5. I don't think there was ever a time when I wasn't in a book club of some sort. I used to get several of the Harlequin lines delivered to me monthly. I belong to The Literary Guild, The Science Fiction Book Club, Doubleday, The Book of The Month Club. Now I find there's only one worth belonging to. That's Zooba. I get one book a month, hard cover, of my choosing and the cost is $10.55. It doesn't get much better than that.
6. Music is my only true vice. When life is throwing me lemons...I'm more apt to splurge on a new CD or something for my mp3 player than anything else. My CD Collection is well over 3000 and I have 7000 mp3s on my computer.
7. I can never answer the question "What's your favorite band?" or "What's your favorite song?" I like too many and trying to narrow it down will give me a brain cramp that will take days to get rid of.
8. I have absolutely no self esteem at all. High school took it away from me and I never did find a way to build it up after those 4 wretched years.
As for the tagging..I'm a rebel...I'm not doing it. If you want to play along...go ahead, but let me know you did...so I can come and read your 8 things
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