In 87 there were interviews all over the place. You couldn't go anywhere without a mention of Pepper. Not that Pepper wasn't mentioned anywhere yesterday. The Post Gazette had a lovely feature on it...and the Fishy did a focus on the songs during the Friday Free For All. And the blogging community was quite obnoxious about it, which is why I didn't post about it, really.
It's a shame Pepper isn't one of my favorite Beatles albums. It never has been. It's always been a summer album for me too, when I've felt like listening to it. It conjures up images of sweltering heat and a general feeling of uncomfortableness. I guess that's part of the reason I don't play it much.
Perhaps if I had been alive in 67 when it was released I could feel differently about this record. I can't take away that it was groundbreaking in its time and that it was influential in the music scene and still is. However it just leaves me with a ho-hum kinda feeling when I listen. I get very little joy from Pepper. That doesn't mean you shouldn't own it, because everyone should own Pepper or at least listen to it once in their lifetime. For me, I prefer the two albums prior to Pepper, Rubber Soul and Revolver.
Pepper does bring me joy in one way though. It has some great photos.
Oh's one..

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