(click to buy @ amazon)
Teardrops was one of my favorite songs from this CD. If I remember correctly it openeds side 2 of the vinyl album. Yes, I still have vinyl. I'm pretty sure I wore out one of them just because I played that song over and over, though it was always one of my favorite Harrison albums.
I shed a few tears when it was reissued with a different cover. I'm not fond of the picture that replaced the original.

This was the original and the only cover, changing it seems like someone said there was something wrong with the original, and that's not the case.
This was a beautiful cover and George looked so...well like George. The new cover is just a picture. There's nothing exciting about it. I'd love to know why the switch was made.
So I've been listening to the album, and it's actually made me feel better. My own teardrops have stopped for the time being, which is a good thing. I've even found myself singing at the top of my lungs to a few of the tracks on this one. So all in all, my tears weren't for nothing. (This time)
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