~ I bought shorts at The Mart of Wal aka the place of supreme evil. They were the only article of clothing I bought, and I of course tossed the receipt. I go to put them on today...there's a damn hole in them. At least I only wasted $5.00 on them. But crikey I didn't get to wear em once. I don't like returning stuff without a receipt, it makes me feel like a thief. PAH! Note to self..when you buy cheap crap at Walmart..you get what you pay for.
~ I listened to one of the Tara MacLean CDs and I have to say, I loved it.

I'm finding more and more female artists that I really like. God, I hope I'm not turning all Lilith Fair on myself. I always hated the Lilith Fair...even though I have always love Sarah Mclachlan.
~ I was planning to go to the walking path today and see if I could do about 5 miles but I'm not sure if I should now.
1. The shorts issue...that's how I started my day.
2. Fucking laundry to do. (I HATE LAUNDRY DAY)
3. I've spilled orange juice on myself.
4. My grandmother sprung a grocery list on me yesterday.
I'm feeling really bogged down right now. Where did my lawn chair Saturday go? And with all the horridness that's started so early today, maybe I should just hide somewhere.
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