I walked 5 miles today. Ouch. It's been awhile since I did any more than 2 or 3, but I got it in my head to pull out the full 5. I used to be able to do about 7 every other day.
I think my walking shoes gave out after the 2nd mile. That's really not fun at all. I really should have at least two pairs of sneakers. One for the gym and one for the walking path.
~ Note to self...add shoes to my next shopping list when I go to the place of supreme evil...THE MART OF WAL!!!
~ Note to self...add socks to that list too. For some reason all my socks disappear when they go into the wash. Only my nephews' and my father's socks come out. Damn that washing machine.
What I love the most about walking is the release. So much tension disappears after the first mile or so. When I'm done I usually feel 100% better about life. (Except when the walking shoes die mid-walk)
I've also found that when I'm in the mood to write, walking proves inspirational for me. I toyed with a few ideas for a story as I painfully made my way around the walking path today. Maybe if I'm lucky I'll start working on one of them soon.
The question now is....Who's going to rub my aching tootsies.
Musical Sunday
11 hours ago
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