Top 5 "Musical" prized possessions...rare cd...autographs, instruments etc.
1. My autographed copy of Elvis Costello's King Of America CD that he signed at the last Pittsburgh concert for me.

That's me showing more cleavage than I ever have in my entire life, EC and the above mentioned CD. And Wow, I was tan.
2. I have a Japanese 2 disc set that has all the Duran Duran EPs from the 80's. Way before they did the Singles Box Sets. I paid a pretty penny for it and I love it.
3. George Harrison's When We Was Fab on CD single from Europe. I wish it was Got My Mind Set On You because then there would be a legitimate copy of Lay His Head in my possession, but sadly no. Still I love that single...and sing with me. Fab! Long time ago when we was fab.
4. The tour book from Paul McCartney's Flowers In The Dirt Tour, which thankfully came through Pittsburgh . It has the most gorgeous pictures. I think I still have my ticket stub from that show too.
5. My Polaroid from the Peter Noone show last year.

If you could give your Meme Mistress one musical thing for her b-day on Monday what would it be?
Hmmm what to give myself for one day. I would give myself Fishy's job for the 4 hours he's on the air. The Real Dill Pickle Morning Show would never be the same again...and well...he might not have a job when I finished...but it would be one helluva interesting morning show. Hell, I'd be nice...he can have his show...but he'd just have a morning show partner for the day.
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