Just about everyone that knows me, knows that I get up at the buttcrack of dawn, ie. 5:30 a.m. Most days that's not an issue. I crawl out of bed and plod into my computer room and putter around until I'm sufficiently awake enough to enter the land of the living.
Today was different.
My dog, Purrbee, decided that he was going for a walk. By HIMSELF!
I hate this time of year.
Purrbee has allergies and when the heat and the fleas act up, well so does he. He's like the cartoon Simon...he goes over the garden wall, or fence as the case may be. He did that this morning and me in my jammies and bare feet are running around my neighborhood looking for the dog.
Thank god he was in the neighbors yard. But let me tell you it was a bitch to get him back. When he escapes, he ignores everyone and just wanders. It's like he's possessed by some strange force. My nephew caught him, but I had to carry him up the hill. AT 5:30 IN THE DAMN MORNING!
I have a feeling that this is going to be a bad day. If you need me, I'll be under the covers by the fan, m'kay?
Musical Sunday
10 hours ago
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