First moi.
Top 5 Psychedelic Songs
Hands down the most psychedelic song
The Moody Blues - Legend Of A Mind (sung by flautist Ray Thomas)
He'll fly his astral plane, takes you on a trip around the bay, brings you back the same day, Timothy Leary...
The Mistress of the Dark would like to know just what in the hell an astral plane is anyway.
The Beatles - Within You, Without You
(Oddly if you asked me what my least favorite Harrison song was, this one would be it, but if you rate it on psychedelicness well it definitely tops the charts.)
Strawberry Alarm Clock - Incense and Peppermints
(I've never been quite sure that these two things should be mixed, but they do make for interesting song lyrics)
The Zombies - Time Of The Season
(3 little words, Who's your daddy!!!)
The Grass Roots - Let's Live For Today
(Everyone sing the chorus with me....Sha la la let's live for today)
Honorable mentions go to The Beatles - Strawberry Fields Forever, The Monkees - The Door Into Summer, The Moody Blues - Tuesday Afternoon, Manfred Mann - The Mighty Quinn.
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Top 5 "Summer of Love" sayings
Make love, not war.
As soon as I find a good recipe, I'll do a little dance and make some love. So far, I haven't found one that doesn't end up with someone getting burned.

The smilies however have had better luck than I have.
Don't trust anybody over thirty!
Oh well, I could have told anyone that asked that I wasn't to be trusted. And that goes for my finned friend too. Ah well, who can you trust anyway!

If it feels good, do it!
As long as it doesn't infringe on anyone else's beliefs or is against the law. Of course, make sure the person your doing it with is consenting too, because that just opens up a totally different can of worms and you may end up being a storyline for Law & Order SVU.

Tell it like it is.
I usually do, and I usually end up with a size 8 foot in my mouth. Let me tell you that's not tasty.
Keep the faith!
This man

tells you to do that at every Moody Blues concert. I just want to know what faith I'm keeping. And if I am keeping it...I think I need instructions so I don't kill the faith.
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