My dad is an older version of Tim Allen. He's Mr. Fix-it. (Or at least he wants to be) He loves to take things apart...its getting them back together that often results in a few choice words being uttered. If you don't hear him say "sonafabitchinbastard" or "dammit to hell" once or twice during a fix-it operation, well the operation was just too easy.
He is also the one that created some of our favorite phrases...
Like "Left hand turn artists." My dad hates these people. Everyone should go around the world to the right.
He's the cat man too. The first cat we had in my lifetime, Mutchka would never have come through the doors if not for him. All of the cats we have now, love him, except Bootsie, who has something against male humans.
My dad is the type to worry when I drive to Pittsburgh....or anywhere that's more than 20 minutes from home. The oil must be checked....the tires too.
He's a great dad! Happy Father's Day, Daddy.
And here's The Mistress Of The Dark's Family....I think this is all of us

I'm standing next to my father in this shot...and for those of you that don't know what I look like (lucky you) I'm the one on the far right, holding the toddler (my nephew Wild Will)
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