Reviews and Rants
Elvis Costello's North cd has happened to fall into my hands a few months early. So tonight while I went on my walk (5 miles again tonight), I thought I'd give it a listen. I've found that through the headphones of a walkman is often the best way to get a first impression of a cd: No interruptions, very few outside noises etc.
Elvis has done a complete 360 with this new album. When I Was Cruel was in his words "A Rowdy Rhythm Record" and bless his cotton sox for that. North is no where near rowdy and far away from Rhythm.
Here is a copy of the track list.
Prelude/You Left Me In The Dark
Someone Took The Words Away
When Did I Stop Dreaming
You Turned To Me
When It Sings
Let Me Tell You About Her
Can You Be True?
When Green Eyes Turn Blue
I'm In The Mood Again
Too Blue (bonus track to Japanese edition)
North (special track available from the Internet)
I think I got as far as When Green Eyes Turn Blue before taking the cd out and going back to the car for another. I was left rather unimpressed by this record. I'm not saying that the arrangements weren't fantastic, because that would be a lie. Plus Mr. Costello is joined on this record by the Steve Nieve, Pete Thomas, the Jazz Passengers, the Mingus Band and the Brodsky Quartet. A finer bunch of musicians couldn't be found.
What bothered me about this album? Well 10 songs in and there was nothing that stood out and grabbed me. It wasn't like Painted from Memory with gems like : This House Is Empty Now, Such Unlikely Lovers or like the Juliet Letters with Almost Had A Weakness, Jackson Monk and Rowe and The Birds Will Still Be Singing.
I feel almost compelled to say this album bored me with technicality. Elvis you AREN'T Diana Krall (and thank fucking god for that...two ugly hobags of her nature are not needed on this earth) so stop trying to sing like her. Leave the piano playing to Steve Nieve and pick up your guitar.
I get the feeling that several of these tracks are about Cait and possibly She Who's Name Shall Not Be Mentioned Again on This Blog. What I found lacking, though the lyrics are as poignant as ever, was any real emotion. I found that to rather disturbing, because Elvis Costello's music is full of emotion: Hate, Lust, Anger, Disgust...etc. These songs had none of that. Nothing that had the heart wrenching cries of I Want You which one would almost expect when you divorce a woman that you've professed to love dearly after 15 years...
Makes me think of the hypocrisy of 15 petals...but I won't go there. Yet after listening to North I'm left wondering why good songs that he wrote several years ago haven't been recorded and released yet, songs like: Burnt Sugar, You Lie Sweetly, Heart Shaped Bruise, and Suspect My Tears.
My parting thoughts about Elvis Costello and the North CD..."Elvis I hope you get sick of singing ballads again really soon"
bloggers note "I will still be purchasing this cd, because sucky though I find it, I still love Mr. Costello and one day this may grow on me"
The Left-Cheek Ass Clown for January, 2025
4 hours ago
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