I stayed up til almost one in the morning last night because I wanted to see President Obama on Leno. He was wonderful. He spoke to the American people sounding like a man, a regular joe much like you and I. I was impressed with his interview and I find I like him more and more each day.
So he made a gafe when talking about his bowling.
Big fucking deal. I'm so sick of political correctness. You know what? I admire a man that can say what he feels. Just because he says that his bowling is like the Special Olympics or however the hell he phrased is, is not a fucking jab at handicapped people.
Get a fucking grip!
He's human just like each and every one of us, and for crying out loud, if that's the worst thing he can say? Well then I ask you all to examine yourselves, because I guarantee that just about everyone of us as at one time done just the same thing.
Heck I don't think that's half as bad as the idiotic things that spewed out of the last Commander in Chief's mouth. But don't get me started on W. Cos he's a special olympics all to his own. I'll stop there...because if I go on about him, my political correctness will definitely leave the building...
But I guess I know why we're upset about that little gafe of Obama's. We're a nation of "full retards" to use a phrase from a certain popular film starring Clint Eastwood.
How do I know this?
We elected W twice. Ooops...once..cos I still don't believe we actually elected him the first time round.
Musical Sunday
5 hours ago
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