In touch with the ground...I'm on the hunt I'm after you's time for me to fess up with what got done on the to do list. Are you ready for what my lame ass did for the past 24 hours.
1. The random trade grew into 9 discs so I'm actually working on that right now.
2. The Decade of Song Mixes are done....I'm not sure how pleased I am with the outcome of some of the tracks. Never try to put 1 Pink Floyd song on a disc..they don't lend well to ripping. (These will be mailed to Squirt on Tuesday)
3. Expect to see a Man Out of Time update shortly. The mixes have kept me away from the story, or rather both stories
4. Wrote 4 more pages of the Justin Hayward fic. Is anyone reading this?(I know Katy is) I'd love some feedback on this one. I'm really proud of it..and I'd hate to think it's just my personal extremely arrogant opinion. Expect a plot twist the next time it's posted over at the live journal.
5. Took a nice long walk today and did more crunches. Got to play with all the neighborhood doggies and kitties too..Fun Fun! Animals Rock!
Things I did..that aren't on the too do list.
1. Bought 2 more Moody Blues albums on VINYL! Weeeee The Seventh Sojourn and To Our Children's Children
2. Bought the Moody Blues CD for The Albert Hall show I have on DVD that I love so much
3. Answered a zillion and 1 emails from my yahoo groups
4. Got my turntable and stereo hooked up properly again!
5. Bought a handful of smutty romance novels at Half Price Books Clearance dept. Half Price Books is the best place in the world I tell you.
6. Am now to receive the cdr of Elvis Costello's Pheonix show from Oct of 2002
See I did lots of stuff...Are you proud of me or what?
6373 - Thursday trees - NSFW
18 hours ago
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