"The Crack Smoking People of Wednesday What-If bring you...."
The Wednesday What-If people were smoking some really good stuff this week.
1. What if you had to wear one item of clothing every single day for the rest of your life?
I would be a really cranky human. Clothes are one of my guilty pleasures. Hold on....that said 1 item...Uh...It would have to be a dress then or geeze you would all be seeing way too much.
2. What if you had to stay in one town/city and never step foot outside its lines for the rest of your life?
I would guess I'd have to move to one hell of a big city with a huge shopping district. If not I would be bored. See ya all in NYC or London...
3. What if you had to eat and drink only one kind of food and one kind of beverage for the rest of your life?
I would be nutritionally deprived and I would die young. So take your question and shove it. Woman cannot live on tiramisu alone. HA!
4. What if you had to pretend to be someone else for the rest of your life?
Allow me to pretend I'm Diana Krall...and I'll pretend that today's my wedding day...c'mere Mr. MacManus, I'm ready to become the new missus. Tee hee
5. What if you could only have one of your five senses (touch, sight, hearing, smell, or taste) for the rest of your life?
I won't pick one, I'll just say that I'd learn to cope as do countless other people that live without certain senses. I might not enjoy it, but I would survive and move on with life.
6373 - Thursday trees - NSFW
23 hours ago
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