"nothing to say....too much to do"
It's Friday and rather than bring you the boring Friday Five..I will post my boring to do list. Please light a fire under my bottom so I can get some of this stuff done this weekend.
1. Make at least 2 Moody Mixes
2. Update the Decade of Song mixes..cos I've found some songs that I didn't really like on a few of the discs
3. Work on editing Man Out of Time...expect few additions because I'll be adding on to what I've written..and making changes from there. When I'm done, I'll gladly email anyone the entire story so you can read the changes.
4. Work on the 2 and I do mean 2 Justin fics I've started.
5. CD trade list---desperately needs updated
6. Clean Clean Clean
7. Decide what to do with the Not My Slave story ...I might do some work on that as well. Don't know where that will get posted
I think that's enough insanity for one weekend? Don't you?
6373 - Thursday trees - NSFW
23 hours ago
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