Sunday, December 25, 2011

What I Did On Christmas 2011

~ Went to church where the organist decided to blow out our ears by playing our pipe organ REALLY  loud!

~ Made dinner.

~ Decided that no matter what I do...I always get screwed on Christmas....not in a good way.

~ Determined the cause for most of my grief is the wisdom teeth that have decided to bug me for the first time in 3 years.

~ Watched The Tudors...and said...Wow, that's a whole lot of naked!

~ Watched Doctor Who...and fell asleep through it..cos lordy that wasn't Moffat at his best.

So yeah, that's my Christmas! How was yours?


Bilbo said...

Our Christmas was very nice, except that I ate too much and am now up to my eyeballs in trying to connect my new A/V receiver to the TV and everything else and make it all work without electrocuting myself. Oh, and I'm fighting with "ultraviolet" to get my digital movie download. Otherwise, a great holiday. Hope you still manage to get screwed ... in a good way.