Tuesday, December 20, 2011


~ I found my very first Christmas mix CD yesterday. I made it in 2003. I can't believe I've made them for people for 8 years! Yikes.

~ Made the kolachy cookies..or most of them. There are now about 4.5 dozen in the house filled with raspberry, apricot or nutella filling.

~ I'm going through a lot of my reading challenges for the year from my book blog. I did well on several and on others I failed miserably.

~ Tomorrow is dad's appointment with the hematologist. That's always fun, but his doctor (who he doesn't usually see on these visits) is very nice and so is the rest of the staff.

~ All of my Christmas shopping is done. Yee ha!

~ My cat, Skimble only likes to play in the Christmas tree when I'm around to yell at him. Apparently he likes the attentiion.

~ Cutest pic of Sugarplum ever
