13 Things That Have Amused Me Lately
1. My cat Skimble who really likes to watch TV. He does. He gets into America's Funniest Home Videos. Sometimes he gets into it a bit too much.
2. The Master on Doctor Who: OK, how can you not be amused by John Simm turning the world into a whole bunch of John Simms!
3. Fantasy Summer by Susan Pfeffer: A teenage romance I found and either read for the first time or re-read. I'm not sure which. It was fun and so unrealistic in some places that it made for a good many giggles.
4. Last night's quasi Friends reunion on Cougar Town: Firstly I don't like Cougar Town and I never liked Friends, but I watched last night out of curiosity and was just a wee bit amused.
5. Brooke Shields as the white trash neighbor on The Middle: Do I have to say any more?
6. The Snow: I'm both amused and angered by the obnoxious white stuff. Angered that I've lost a day's wages as a result, amused that I got to curl up on the couch for an extra day. (after almost getting myself killed trying to get to work)
7. That Chicken commercial that Mike posted on his blog here. Nothing funnier than a dumb blonde boob commercial that's actually about a chicken sandwich. Go watch!
8. The previews for the film Leap Year. I really want to see this movie!!
9. This LOL pic
10. Fat rolling cats!
11. Tiger Woods: Oh c'mon now! How can this guy not amuse you! I also applaud him for his apparent stamina. How many mistresses can the guy have!
12. Hungry Girl aka Lisa Lillien: She tries to healthify food so we can all be skinny bitches. I love and hate her at the same time. Her daily emails amuse me though, except when she demeats or over Splendas stuff. I like meat and I like sugar, wanna make something of it, bitch!
13. Craig Ferguson: Cute, Scottish and Silly. What is there not to be amused by. I only wish I could stay awake to watch his show and still be able to function the next day.
Der Furor, Take Two
21 hours ago
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