That America is free because of Guys, Guts and Guns? Or so I read on some redneck idiots bumper sticket @ Walmart yesterdy.
Oye vey!
I'll give this dufus the first two, although some of the women that served in the WACS might be a bit pissed that their contribution to the war efforts is being diminished, but guns haven't kept America free.
Sure they helped in times of war, but we know that the idiot with this bumper sticker is a die hard NRA member.
I have no problems with "The right to keep and bear arms" If you have a good set of arms, you should show em off. Michelle Obama does all the time. However when those arms are shotguns and non-hunting type guns, well, take your arms elsewhere. They haven't helped keep our country free, at least not for well over 100 years.
A good percentage of the time those arms that you keep for the hell of protect those beautiful kids of yours and whatnot end up getting the owners in trouble or cause the loss of life for family members.
Now I'm not saying we don't have the right to have them around, but guns have not kept this country free. However a bumper sticker wouldn't read as nice saying Bullying, Weapons and A Small Amount Of Intelligence is what kept America free, and we all know that last one is debatable.
Remind me not to read bumper stickers anymore.
Cartoon Saturday
10 hours ago
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