I'm going to recap my weekend for you.
~ Driving in torrential downpours for half of a 150 mile drive is not very fun. Its even less fun when you are making the drive by yourself.
~ Hartville Kitchen has the best family food of anyplace I've ever gone.
~ Concerts in the pouring rain can be fun. Especially when you end up playing maracas for the band. If any of my OH friends, see that the ReBeats are playing in your area, go see them, they rock the British Invasion covers band world.
~ Apple Funnel Cakes = Yum
~ People in Ohio can't drive worth a damn.
~ Construction barrels and cones grow overnight!
~ Hates that Amazon doesn't accept Paypal. I need Paint Shop Pro!
~ Books A Million is my favorite regular price book store! They kick Barnes and Noble's and Borders' ass.
~ I love my brother's cats.
~ I'm going to miss showers (My house only has a bathtub)
Cartoon Saturday
10 hours ago
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